Your escape from the daily grind

There really is nothing like a good massage to centre yourself, relax and feel your worries melt away. 

And if exercise is your thing, looking after the condition of your muscles is just as important to your fitness regime as rest, a good diet and regular stretching. 

New Year Special

A whole hour’s relaxing, stress busting, muscle soothing Swedish massage for just £39* 

*Valid till end of February 2013, normally £59  

After a brief consultation when you arrive, we'll both agree upon the best treatment option for you, whether that's a relaxing full body massage or deeper tissue work to ease up particular trouble spots. 

Home visits can be arranged depending upon location. 

The proof of the pudding

"Well what can I say! I thought I'd had a back massage before but in reality not. John's massage was amazing. My back feels wonderfully relaxed and flexible. I was so chilled I could hardly get off the table. Highly recommended. Thanks John". Catherine J

"I feel so much more relaxed, ready to face the world again". Jennifer O